added to delivery

Wheat Bread
Why we rescued 'em: The baking industry has suffered for years from an industry practice of prematurely removing and discarding quality product from retail shelves. This, in conjunction with arbitrary sell by dates, contributes to millions of pounds of fresh, quality bread being discarded every year.
Can be added weekly, every other week, or monthly!
Sell-By Date: You may occasionally receive bread with a date that has already passed. A sell-by date is a quality indicator created by the supplier/packer of the product. It's generally well before the actual time that the item would start to have a quality issue! This is another big reason perfectly good food goes to waste :).
We've tested this product and the quality is still beautiful!
Qty: 1 loaf
The delicious details: H&S bakes breads for a variety of different brands. Each week, we help them with their surplus to curb waste in their organization. H&S bakes bread for a number of different brands you might recognize. These are likely the same brands you'd see at your grocery store!
Because we get H&S's surplus and they send us whatever they have extra from an assortment of brands, we cannot provide nutrition or ingredient information. It could vary from week-to-week!
All H&S breads should be Kosher!