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Jumbo Cage-Free Eggs, dozen - 1 ct

$4.99 $3.49

3 left

Why we rescued 'em: We're proud to partner with Sauder's Natural to bring their local Grade A Amish Country Cage-Free eggs to your home! Did you know that Sauder's brown eggs sell faster than white eggs, even though they taste the exact same? All eggs deserve love! We're helping Sauder's find a home for their jumbo white eggs.

1 dozen 


Why cage-free? Sauder's chickens are raised in a stress-fee environment, free from cages, where they can roost and socialize freely. Their eggs are gathered straight from the nest, placed in a cooler and then processed. Certified humane, free of antibiotics & hormones, and 100% vegetarian fed.

Shelf life: 45 day sell by code

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