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Organic Pasture Raised Eggs, 1 dozen - 1 ct
Why we rescued 'em: We've partnered with Lancaster Farm Fresh on all things produce for years but now they've reached out asking for help to move eggs! Knowing the care they put into their produce and love they have for their farmers, we knew that their eggs would be amazing. As a matter of fact all Lancaster Farm Fresh eggs are gathered from chickens who are fully-pastured and fed only Certified Organic, non-GMO feed. The birds are completely antibiotic-free and receive no added hormones.
Qty: 1 dozen
Why Lancaster Farm Fresh Eggs? Our farmers put the same level of care into their eggs as they do with their vegetables. LFFC ensures all of our animals are treated humanely and our farmers are held to standards which are in line with our core values about sustainability and animal welfare. Our chickens are never debeaked! You will notice these eggs are distinctly different from the conventional, large-scale organic egg producers' because our farmers raise their birds out on pasture where they forage for bugs and many different varieties of grasses, forbs, and legumes.
Best By Date of 4 weeks out