Why we rescued 'em: Surplus! There were too many of these mixers on hand, so we scooped them up just in time for your holiday spritz or mocktail!
Qty: 8.45 oz per can / 33.8 oz per 4 pack
Sell by date: 02/03/2025
Delicious details: Avec [Av-ek] is French for “with”. Because what you mix with your spirits matters. Nobody's denying the Paloma is a classic cocktail, but it's full of sugar and begging for an update. By mixing two member of the grapefruit family - ruby and pomelo - and blending them with a hint of black pepper and vanilla, Avec has made this vintage tipple fresh again.
All Natural | Low Sugar | Low Calorie
Nutrition: Serving Size: 8.45oz can (250ml). Calories: 20kcal, Total Fat: 0g, Total Sugars: 3g, Sodium 5mg, Carbohydrates: 4g, Calcium: 10mg
Ingredients: Carbonated Water, Organic Grapefruit Juice, Pomelo Extract, Black Pepper Extract, Bourbon Vanilla Extract, Alderwood Smoked Salt